
Sunday, April 26, 2020

My ANZAC Biscuits

I made ANZAC biscuits, they were sooo yum.

I used the easy recipe, and tip from Mrs Allan, honey instead of golden syrup and to press them down with a fork!
I added some chocolate on top in the last 2 minutes of baking. I tried to make it look like poppies.
*If you leave them in too long they might come out black. Yuck, burnt ANZAC biscuits.

When they were cool enough to eat, I tried one. It tasted really good. It was nice and soft.
My family enjoyed the chocolate ones when it was warm and fresh out of the oven.

My recipe:

1C quick oats
1C standard flour
1C sugar *this is a preservative that makes cookies last longer
1C coconut
120g butter
2 Tbsp golden syrup or honey
1 tspn baking soda
2 Tbsp water

Put the top 4 ingredients into a bowl and mix it.
Heat the next three ingredients in a pot.
Add water to the pot when it is all mixed together.
Add the melted mix into the dry mix.
Spoon it out into a ring for perfect circles.
Put it into the oven for 15 minutes.
Add chocolate IF you want and finish off baking the biscuits.

Friday, April 24, 2020

ANZAC wreath

So first you get some brown paper or something to make a circle.

roll the paper up and tape it together or twist it if you have no tape.

make a circle shape for the wreath.

Making the poppies:

First get red paper or paint some white paper red. Paint it on both sides.

Use a circle shape for the poppies.
Cut the circle shape out and fold it in half and cut two sides to make the poppy shape.

Paint the middle a bit black to make it look like a poppy.

Make sure to make a lot of them!

Use leaves to decorate the wreath if you want. Use wool or cotton or string or something to tie the leaves tight.

Put your poppies onto the wreath with glue or sellotape.

Then you are done.

You can put it on your door or your fence.
-Lest we forget-